Released as the first single from Racine Carrée, Formidable is a powerful exploration of human vulnerability, a poignant moment where art meets the rawness of real life. The video concept originated from a simple, yet profound, encounter Stromae had with a homeless man who asked him, “Do you think you’re handsome?” From this candid moment came a profound reflection on vulnerability and humanity, woven into a performance that blurred the line between fiction and reality. To bring his vision to life, Stromae transformed into a drunken, broken man wandering Brussels’ bustling Place Louise.
The Solitude Symphony
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Filmed with hidden cameras, the video captures unfiltered reactions from passersby and police, revealing what could happen to anyone: losing one’s footing and confronting the indifference of onlookers in the sometimes-cruel solitude of a big city. As Stromae sang about despair and alienation, he became a magnet for stares, smartphone cameras, and judgment. Yet beneath this apparent chaos, his performance remained masterful, turning unpredictable moments—like police interventions and viral curiosity—into powerful storytelling. The result was so raw and convincing that many believed it was real, sparking both controversy and reflection.
The clip, released just days after filming, became an instant media phenomenon. It won Best Video at the 2014 Victoires de la Musique, cementing its place as both an artistic triumph and a thought-provoking commentary. The hidden cameras exposed how the cruelty of solitude can be amplified by the spectacle-driven culture of today. In Place Louise, more smartphones were raised to record his supposed fall than hands extended to offer help. The video confronts us with a pressing question: how do we respond to the struggles of others—with compassion or from behind a screen?
Through Formidable, Stromae offers a masterful performance but also a sobering critique.
Découvrez une collaboration révolutionnaire où l’art et l’ingénierie s’unissent dans une exploration poétique de la lévitation. Cette campagne innovante allie brillance lyrique et design de pointe, créant un récit enchanteur qui élève l’ordinaire au rang d’extraordinaire. Plongez dans un monde où l’imagination défie la gravité et où les rêves prennent leur envol, mêlant art visuel et auditif dans un voyage à couper le souffle.
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