Multitude le film
Fils de joie
L’enfer – TF1
Quand c’est
Alors on danse

A national courtesan tribute

Un hommage national aux courtisanes

  • The projectLe projet
  • InsightsPerspectives

Fils de Joie is the third single and music video from Stromae’s album Multitude, directed by the visionary Henry Scholfield in close collaboration with Mosaert (Luc, Coralie, and Paul). With jangling strings, bouncing percussion, and Stromae’s voice playing a range of imaginary characters “inspired by real events,” Fils de Joie is a multi-faceted ode to the women who walk the streets—offering both a celebration and a critique of the society that fails to see them.

Fils de Joie est le troisième single et clip de l’album Multitude de Stromae, réalisé par Henry Scholfield en collaboration avec Mosaert (Luc, Coralie et Paul). Avec des cordes vibrantes, des percussions entraînantes et la voix de Stromae incarnant une gamme de personnages imaginaires « inspirés de faits réels », Fils de Joie est une ode multiforme aux femmes de la rue — offrant à la fois une célébration et une critique de la société qui refuse de les voir.

The song was born from a deeply moving episode of Faustine Bollaert’s talk show Ça Commence Aujourd’hui, where the focus was on the children of sex workers. Stromae was struck by a heartbreaking revelation. One child recounted how a client had casually approached him and said, “Oh, yesterday I slept with your mother.” This raw moment opened Stromae’s eyes to a world he hadn’t known, and it inspired him to explore not just the experiences of the women, but also the often-traumatic realities of their children.

The video depicts a national tribute – a grand procession marching to the rhythm of a powerful hymn for a fallen soldier, who is, in reality, a deceased prostitute. It’s a national event of global importance, televised and watched around the world. Stromae presides over proceedings as state poet. As is customary at such events, he is situated at saluting base, beneath the president, and leads the hymn. Beyond a video, the goal was to create a cultural event – a piece that stands as both a tribute and a call to acknowledge the invisible, yet irreplaceable, contributions of the women who undertake this difficult and often unrecognized work. It’s a tribute to their resilience, their dignity, and to a reality that persists, whether we choose to see it or not.

La chanson est née d’un épisode bouleversant de l’émission Ça Commence Aujourd’hui de Faustine Bollaert, où le thème portait sur les enfants de travailleuses du sexe. Stromae a été frappé par une révélation déchirante : un enfant racontait comment un client lui avait dit avec désinvolture : « Ah, hier, j’ai couché avec ta mère. » Ce moment brut a ouvert les yeux de l’artiste sur un monde qu’il ne connaissait pas et l’a inspiré à explorer non seulement les expériences de ces femmes, mais aussi les réalités souvent traumatisantes vécues par leurs enfants.


Le clip illustre un hommage national : une grande procession au rythme d’un hymne puissant dédié à une « soldate tombée au combat », qui est en réalité une prostituée décédée. C’est un événement d’importance mondiale, diffusé à la télévision et suivi par des millions de téléspectateurs. Stromae, en tant que poète d’État, préside la cérémonie, situé au poste de salut sous le président, et mène l’hymne. Au-delà d’un simple clip, l’objectif était de créer un événement culturel — une œuvre qui se veut à la fois un hommage et un appel à reconnaître les contributions invisibles mais essentielles des femmes exerçant ce métier difficile et souvent méconnu. C’est un hommage à leur résilience, leur dignité, et à une réalité persistante, qu’on choisisse de la voir ou non.

@ Lydie Bonhomme
@ Lydie Bonhomme
@ Lydie Bonhomme
@ Lydie Bonhomme
@ Lydie Bonhomme
@ Lydie Bonhomme
@ Lydie Bonhomme
@ Lydie Bonhomme

Fils de Joie transcends the traditional music video format by building a fictional country’s national tribute to a missing sex worker—elevating her to the status of a heroine. Through Stromae’s poignant lyrics and narration, the song transforms the emotion he felt from that episode into a melodious, yet demanding performance.

Fils de Joie transcende le format traditionnel du clip musical en mettant en scène l’hommage national fictif rendu à une travailleuse du sexe disparue — l’élevant au rang d’héroïne. À travers les paroles poignantes de Stromae et sa narration, la chanson transforme l’émotion suscitée par cet épisode en une performance mélodieuse et revendicative.

  • CreditsCrédits
  • CastingCasting
  • Special thanks toRemerciements à
Henry Scholfield – Director
Luc Van Haver – Executive and creative director
Coralie Barbier – Fashion designer and creative director
Paul Van Haver – Creative Director
Evence Guinet-Dannonay – Executive Assistant
Gaëlle Birenbaum – Communication and project manager
Gaëlle Cools – Content & Community Manager
Roxane Hauzeur – Textile product manager
Diego Mitrugno – Office manager
Brian Ducceshi – BTS video
Stefano Delfosse – BTS video
Lydie Bonhomme – BTS photo
Claudia – Photographer
Aleksei Smoliar – 1st AD
Matthias Morard – 2nd AD
Camille Despontin – 3rd AD
Anne Jacques – Chef de file / figuration
Mehdi Ceinos – Floor runner #1
Maryline Georgery – Floor runner #2
Anne-Sophie Oost – Floor runner #3
Fabrice Iacobucci – Floor runner #4
Hugo De Pin – Floor runner #5
Fanny Roisin – Floor runner #6
Sacha Scura – Floor runner #7
Charles Tytgat – Floor runner #8
Olivier Dubocage – Executive production
Rémy Solomon – Line producer
Isabelle Labeylie – Line producer
Chloé Goueilhe – Production coordinator
Lisa Pignède – BTS by Wanda
Jason Felstead – Executive producer
Ruben Goots – Executive producer
Giuseppe Conti – Executive production
Victor Heymans – Line producer
Thibault Flament – Production coordinator
David Niego – Producer assistant
Antoine Desainghislain – Producer assistant
Esteban Serwier – Production trainee
Noah Basomboli – Production trainee
Louis Singeot-Sousa – Production trainee
Thomas Ruelle – Location Manager
Mustapha – Location manager assistant
Olivier – Location/driver
Catrine – Ruelle Location/driver
Annas – Location/driver
Jean Verset – Location/driver
Blanche Evrad
Quentin Mansy
Louise Despontin
Alexis Courtens
Léa Gasparini
Martin Gjergja
Mehdi Merzoug
Jeremy Van Diest
Lucie Houard
Soukayna Aarab
David Doom – Cam operator
Juan Sepulchre – Cam operator
Patrick Otten – Cam operator
Sacha Naceri – Steady cam
Benjamin Hautenauve – 1st AC camera A
Letizia Giorgi – 1st AC camera B
Brice Dejardin – 1st AC camera C
Arthur Anger – 2nd AC
Thaïs Play David – Video assist
Thomas Wilski – Drone operator
Celia Zeegers – Camera trainee
Simon Moirot – DIT
Ketura Roji – DIT trainee
Charlotte Bevilacqua – DIT trainee
Dirk Van Rampelbergh – Gaffer
Dries Houben – Best boy
Camille Depatoul – Spark #1
Benjamin Speyer – Key grip
Lester Otten – Best Boy
Franck Brusselman – Crane technician
Julien Covens – Grip #1
Arnaud Berghmans – Grip #2
Tanker – Art Direction & Design
Pepijn Van Looy
Robbie Van Nieuwenhove
Floris Van Looy
Mohamed Ayada
Arne Van Rossum
Spela Tusar
Daphne Gort
Adi Iacoban
Iona Iacoban
Sonia Boccara – Stylist
Véronique Colin – Stylist assistant
Charlotte Courgeon – Stylist assistant
Mieke Vandesande – Stylist assistant
Peter De Mulder – Stylist assistant
Elena Saive – Stylist assistant
Muriel Dantard – Stylist assistant
Eden Herzberg – Dresser
Simone Dubuisson – Dresser
Camille Ranwez – Dresser
Bertille Gibourdel – Dresser
Sophie Napen – Dresser
Julia Nouader – Dresser
Lena Salman – Dresser
Léa Tourneur – Dresser
Maya Perolini – Dresser
Alicia Dubois – Make-up & Hair Director
Jennifer Courouge – Hair assistant
Antoine Iter – Hair assistant
Nicolas Mancia – Hair assistant
Amandine De Groote – Hair assistant
Sirine Srijettanont – Hair assistant
Lila Gueant – Make-up assistant
Clémence Leveque – Make-up assistant
Nina Gmua – Make-up assistant
Siem Pascaud – Make-up assistant
Graziella Giammusso – Make-up assistant
Irène Ottaviani – Make-up assistant
Ornella Mesters – Make-up assistant
François Piron – Make-up & hair coordination
Estelle Sidoni – Make-up & hair coordination
Antoine Denis – Sound technician
JB Ponteville – Sound technician
Alain Imbata – Casting and coordination
Marion Motin – Choreographer courtisans & folks
Jeanne Michel – Marion’s assistant
Mehdi Kerkouche – Rehearsal leader courtisans & folks
Olivier CASAMAYOU (I could never be a dancer) – Choreographer marchers
Kevin VIVES – Assistant choreographer
Jao M’CHANGAMA – VFX supervisor on set
Olivier Glandais – Post-production director
François Breteche – Post-production manager
Walter Mauriot – Editor
Ellie Johnsonn – Editor
Gwennael Ghelid – Editor
Carlota Xavier – Post-producer
Sylvain Sarradin – Head of 3D et Senior CG Generalist
Marc-Thomas CAVÉ – Head of 3D et VFX Supervisor
Arthur Paux – Grading
Saleman Laudier – Grading assistant
François Miens – Grading assistant
Kevin Monthureux – CG Modeler Senior
Adrien Jalade – CG Modeler Senior
Jonathan Renaux – CG Modeler & Texturer Senior
Bibi Izaarah Chady – 3D Artist Generalist
Victor Martinez – Lighting Artist
Christian Beaubrun – Lighting Artist
Chawki Rodesly – Senior 3D Artist Generalist
Gregory Paraige – Track 3D
Selim Mondzie – Track 3D
Florian Ojeda – Nuke compositor
Ludovic Voltaire – Nuke compositor
Fabien Feintrenie – Nuke compositor
Fabrice Fernandez – Nuke compositor
Geraud Mottais – Nuke compositor
Léo Verdier – Flame artist
Tristan Barbaron – Flame artist
Florence Dubin – Matte painting
Luc Grzesiak – Matte painting
Henry Scholfield – Director
Luc Van Haver – Executive and creative director
Coralie Barbier – Fashion designer and creative director
Paul Van Haver – Creative Director
Evence Guinet-Dannonay – Executive Assistant
Gaëlle Birenbaum – Communication and project manager
Gaëlle Cools – Content & Community Manager
Roxane Hauzeur – Textile product manager
Diego Mitrugno – Office manager
Brian Ducceshi – BTS video
Stefano Delfosse – BTS video
Lydie Bonhomme – BTS photo
Claudia – Photographer
Aleksei Smoliar – 1st AD
Matthias Morard – 2nd AD
Camille Despontin – 3rd AD
Anne Jacques – Chef de file / figuration
Mehdi Ceinos – Floor runner #1
Maryline Georgery – Floor runner #2
Anne-Sophie Oost – Floor runner #3
Fabrice Iacobucci – Floor runner #4
Hugo De Pin – Floor runner #5
Fanny Roisin – Floor runner #6
Sacha Scura – Floor runner #7
Charles Tytgat – Floor runner #8
Olivier Dubocage – Executive production
Rémy Solomon – Line producer
Isabelle Labeylie – Line producer
Chloé Goueilhe – Production coordinator
Lisa Pignède – BTS by Wanda
Jason Felstead – Executive producer
Ruben Goots – Executive producer
Giuseppe Conti – Executive production
Victor Heymans – Line producer
Thibault Flament – Production coordinator
David Niego – Producer assistant
Antoine Desainghislain – Producer assistant
Esteban Serwier – Production trainee
Noah Basomboli – Production trainee
Louis Singeot-Sousa – Production trainee
Thomas Ruelle – Location Manager
Mustapha – Location manager assistant
Olivier – Location/driver
Catrine – Ruelle Location/driver
Annas – Location/driver
Jean Verset – Location/driver
Blanche Evrad
Quentin Mansy
Louise Despontin
Alexis Courtens
Léa Gasparini
Martin Gjergja
Mehdi Merzoug
Jeremy Van Diest
Lucie Houard
Soukayna Aarab
David Doom – Cam operator
Juan Sepulchre – Cam operator
Patrick Otten – Cam operator
Sacha Naceri – Steady cam
Benjamin Hautenauve – 1st AC camera A
Letizia Giorgi – 1st AC camera B
Brice Dejardin – 1st AC camera C
Arthur Anger – 2nd AC
Thaïs Play David – Video assist
Thomas Wilski – Drone operator
Celia Zeegers – Camera trainee
Simon Moirot – DIT
Ketura Roji – DIT trainee
Charlotte Bevilacqua – DIT trainee
Dirk Van Rampelbergh – Gaffer
Dries Houben – Best boy
Camille Depatoul – Spark #1
Benjamin Speyer – Key grip
Lester Otten – Best Boy
Franck Brusselman – Crane technician
Julien Covens – Grip #1
Arnaud Berghmans – Grip #2
Tanker – Art Direction & Design
Pepijn Van Looy
Robbie Van Nieuwenhove
Floris Van Looy
Mohamed Ayada
Arne Van Rossum
Spela Tusar
Daphne Gort
Adi Iacoban
Iona Iacoban
Sonia Boccara – Stylist
Véronique Colin – Stylist assistant
Charlotte Courgeon – Stylist assistant
Mieke Vandesande – Stylist assistant
Peter De Mulder – Stylist assistant
Elena Saive – Stylist assistant
Muriel Dantard – Stylist assistant
Eden Herzberg – Dresser
Simone Dubuisson – Dresser
Camille Ranwez – Dresser
Bertille Gibourdel – Dresser
Sophie Napen – Dresser
Julia Nouader – Dresser
Lena Salman – Dresser
Léa Tourneur – Dresser
Maya Perolini – Dresser
Alicia Dubois – Make-up & Hair Director
Jennifer Courouge – Hair assistant
Antoine Iter – Hair assistant
Nicolas Mancia – Hair assistant
Amandine De Groote – Hair assistant
Sirine Srijettanont – Hair assistant
Lila Gueant – Make-up assistant
Clémence Leveque – Make-up assistant
Nina Gmua – Make-up assistant
Siem Pascaud – Make-up assistant
Graziella Giammusso – Make-up assistant
Irène Ottaviani – Make-up assistant
Ornella Mesters – Make-up assistant
François Piron – Make-up & hair coordination
Estelle Sidoni – Make-up & hair coordination
Antoine Denis – Sound technician
JB Ponteville – Sound technician
Alain Imbata – Casting and coordination
Marion Motin – Choreographer courtisans & folks
Jeanne Michel – Marion’s assistant
Mehdi Kerkouche – Rehearsal leader courtisans & folks
Olivier CASAMAYOU (I could never be a dancer) – Choreographer marchers
Kevin VIVES – Assistant choreographer
Jao M’CHANGAMA – VFX supervisor on set
Olivier Glandais – Post-production director
François Breteche – Post-production manager
Walter Mauriot – Editor
Ellie Johnsonn – Editor
Gwennael Ghelid – Editor
Carlota Xavier – Post-producer
Sylvain Sarradin – Head of 3D et Senior CG Generalist
Marc-Thomas CAVÉ – Head of 3D et VFX Supervisor
Arthur Paux – Grading
Saleman Laudier – Grading assistant
François Miens – Grading assistant
Kevin Monthureux – CG Modeler Senior
Adrien Jalade – CG Modeler Senior
Jonathan Renaux – CG Modeler & Texturer Senior
Bibi Izaarah Chady – 3D Artist Generalist
Victor Martinez – Lighting Artist
Christian Beaubrun – Lighting Artist
Chawki Rodesly – Senior 3D Artist Generalist
Gregory Paraige – Track 3D
Selim Mondzie – Track 3D
Florian Ojeda – Nuke compositor
Ludovic Voltaire – Nuke compositor
Fabien Feintrenie – Nuke compositor
Fabrice Fernandez – Nuke compositor
Geraud Mottais – Nuke compositor
Léo Verdier – Flame artist
Tristan Barbaron – Flame artist
Florence Dubin – Matte painting
Luc Grzesiak – Matte painting
Romero Maria Mercedes, Yombo Aurélie, Ntale Diane, LO Mbamba Joyce, Morales Laura, Corman Margot, Micheau Lucie, Masci Laura ,Vanderseypen, Emilie, Bianchin Fanny, Alorabou Aïcha, Kikangala Vanessa, Binsinger Jessica, Canu Clothilde, Koronidis Gaëlle, Lufwa Elya, MOLITOR Noëlle, Thelliez Delphine, Gabon Rafaelle, Hardy Roxane, Vanderroost Léa, VEREECKE Naomi, MOKRANE Sandra, Tatard Géraldine
Muangala Noémie, Bruand Marie, Rogez Cynthia, Betancourt Angelita, KULCZAR Eleni, Krassowska Victoria, Scaduto Angela, Liénard Virginie, Sourdeau Léane, Bykans Inès, De Stefano Lisa, Perrier Lilou, Lamberts Emmanuelle, Manuka Luana, Dumbi Inès, Henry Natasha
Gondon Laurence, Meurisse Michèle, Jacques Tamara, Van Acker Madison, Boucau Alice, Lacroix Nastassia, Peeters Fara, Sablon Floriane, Boyer Camille, Sagaer Maëlle, Imbrechts Anais, Geraci Alissia, Tarillon Agathe, Vanhaudenhuyse Alinoë, Vanhaudenhuyse Alisson, Lombard Anais, Pierard Aurore, Terechkova Evgenia, Van Drenth Finn, Rakotobe Kaliana, De Poorter Lisa, Podevin Ludivine, Deroanne Romane, Burion Zita, Dupont Aude, Desguin Micheline, Baudoux Saléna, Gilbert Léa, Cote Caparos Cindy, Giaux Louise
Segura Anthony, Nouali Yassin, Delannoy Nicolas, Henrion Maximilien, Cocquerez Florent, Nocera Rino, AVERLANT Angélo, Lunguana Michée, Bitihuse Constant, De Boeck Max, Zola Aurel, Castellino Flavio, Arts Mathéo, Mahut Timothée, Paquay Ugo, LASSEUR Léo, Léo Gabriel, CHARTON Alexandre, Pernel Hugo, Amar Nabil, Monlouis Bonnaire Nicolas, Leroy Nicolas Trung-Chanh, D’Haeyere Amaury, Rochdi Rayan, Bombil Geraudy, Loka Hervé, Van Noten Jens, Brieuc Le-Gall, Pilette Kévin, Gabriel Léo, George Louis, Cigana Marino, Chiodo Mathias, Baddague Nassim, Fernandez Rubio Noah, Marsalla Anthony, Junbox Ibrahim, Salamona Joshua, Felipe Garcia, Swagga Zach, Chaurra Kevin, MHAMDU RAOUF, Pires Rocha Randy
Fouda Fiona, Kiersnowski Konrad, Cayrade Léna, Moreels Olivia, Van Iersel Salome, Jomin-Bonneaux Chloe, Durand Ines, Vercleven Camille, Revillon Allan, Gagliardi Louise, Derycker Laura, Delgado Mallaury, Negreuvergne Sacha, Ntumba Kanyinda Adam Timon, Heliot Maxime, Androulakis Antoni, Hessabi Cameron, Takeshi Yasuke, Mukadi Anaid, Karim Zakaria, El Basri Soufiane, Janmart Jim, Vandenberk Joachim, Vanden Steen Dario, Susswein Jerome-Charles, Denis Bryan, Backes Mathis, Machielsel Pierre, Delassiaz Orion, Borlee Loris, Zounguere Alexis, Defrise Nicolas, Tordeur Angelo, Romeo Valentino, Lharar Samad, Kamweny Tony, Eliassaint Dieph-Standle, Toquaoka Kenzo, Klos Patryk, Vergauwne Elisabeth, Nshimi Dios
Taverne Cloe, Nana Ningkeu Sheila, Canonne Kiona, Salsac Timothee, Simon Julie, Boulanger Leo, Diallo Oumar, Ngoma Jason, Pascal Mathieu, Belabid Ismael, Mendy Steve, Fumery Louis, Foresto Andréa, Muth Francis, Moxhet Alexandre, Lissandre Margaux, Henrion Benjamin, Levavasseur Pierre, Sion C Benjamin, Espinoza Yamir, La delfa David, Fountas Paul-euthymios, Takam Regis, Dullier Nathan, Deijmann Alex, Tasia Serges, Colmant Baptiste, Lemaitre Sebastien, Mawanda Archange, Dion Maoro, Gaillet Regis, Hoebeke Alois, Hawna Adeola, De Rudder Andy, Conte Baptiste
Bolima Honesime, Dzessu Dlngule Rita, Hoekstra Elisa, Vandevelde Zoé, Degraeuwe Chloé, Ghilain Mélanie, Afchain Sarah, Foresto Kiara, Lespagne Morgan, Arnaud-Luspe Franck, Paul Pierre-Alexandre, Lacorne Guillaume, Haddad Adel, Cauvin Teddy, Van Twembeke Virginie, Melis Sophie, Vu Thanh Long, Contreras Castillo Yoandy, Bourguignon Jeremie, Dufrane Candice, Leiva Luis, Jean Collins shane, Touil Florent, Louis Maxime, Anceline Wilmart, Degrauwe Alexia, Pielquin Charline, Albert Frederic, Reiter Stephane
El Kirat Khalid, Duhem Henri, Binder Louis, Guessous Sami, Malonda Maxime, Deom Aurelien, Zaoudi Abdoulah, Balistaire François, Dehau Pierre-Jean, Abed Tarek, Dubois Justin, Laffut Saskia, Lagache Sébastien, Marcelon Nicolas, Abudi Mohammed, Pantazopoulos Gerorges, Linati Giansteve, Sancka Serkan, Fontaine Cédric, Rafact Aurélie, Jennepin Antoine, Debedus Juliette
Geng Paul, Guy a ux Eng, Grabarz Josiane, Vandamme Marcel, Yildirim Usain, Ba y on José, Hallet Johann, El Ualid Khalid, Sangermano Angélique, Mutamba David, Bui Ly nda, Boutique Fabrice, Josnin Laure, Douglas Leslie Mark, Hofmans Michèle, Enna Siham
America Thierry, America Emmanuel, Bals Nado, Bronier Isabelle, Caron Delphine, Coudon Xavier, Dassonville Célian, Dassonville Cyril, Daumière Lindsay, Delcubonde Nicolas, Denis Karel, Deret Doriane, Hemeleers Vivian, Jorion Olivier, Meurant Guillaume, Pilatte Noemie, Pilatte Dany, Pilatte Margaux, Sorian Benedicte, Soufflet Aurélie, Thoor Olivia, Thoor Alicia, Toubau Aglae, Verbolst Mathieu, Gerard Emilie, Theys Emilien, Fourin Pascal, Haneuse Patrick, Henroye Luna, De Waele Laura, Beauchamps Angelina, Coppieters Audrey, Jorion Benedicte, Bolle Stéphanie, Bronier Andy, Brotcorne Anna, Masure Clara, Decruyenaere Clementine, Dendal Lucas, Karel Denis, Dusquense Alain, Dusquense Lucas, Gerard Lise, Mado Baes, Coessens Marie-Claire, Landa Marie-Line, Tonero Marion, Marsigliante Isaline, Moucheron Chloé, Lizon Pauline, Scur Valentine
Micheli David, Collard Heloise, Mauyen Brice, Grevesse Olivie, Legrand Elodie, Brasseur Pierre-Manuel, Duquesnoy Michel, Vercammen Yvan, Jeuniaux René, Parmentier John-John, Elguennouni Réda, Robyn Frédéric, Maas Jérôme, Vandervoordt Pierre-Yves, Smets Dylan, Vandevelde-Vanisierbecq Michael, Chaidron Michael
BUI Hoan-Phung, SMORODINSKY Clara, PARISIS Marie-Line, SCIME Marcella, HONDT Guy, KOMINO Alissa, SITA BANTSIMBA Thalya, ANANIAS Nathanaël, KOPF Prisca, GHANEM Anissa, TUMMERS Maureen, ROUFOSSE Bernard, PROSPERGER TOMIYA, MARAMUKE YOHANA Audrey, VELLE Dominique, SMORODINSKY Adrien, DE BLIC Cécile, FOSSE Julie, LADENT Loïs, DE CARTIER D’YVES Louise, GOOSSENS Eléonore, SARACI Heroina, ETIENNE Angèle, DRAYE Michèle, PETKOVIC Lepa, SEMAL Claudine, HAYEZ Raphael, HAYEZ Amelie, PEPKA YANNICK CLAUDE Eric, DEVEUSTER Philippe, BAJRAKTARI Skender, NGUYEN Pham Quynh Lan Emilie, DUFRAN Anthony, VAN CROMPHAUT Jérémy, MVOGO Serge Christian, LEBRUN GOB Marie-Christine, BEAUCAMPS Justine, ROGGE Nathan, KOUAME KOUAME Donald, PUCH SANTILLAN Pamela, NAVEZ Luc, BAMBA Mohamed, DUNDAR Koç, LEJCZYK Lisa, MEZIATI Saïd, FERRET Olivier, MECHOUEK Katya, MARESCHAL Lyson, HENRY Clémence, SALIEZ Zoé, VAN IERSEL MATINE EL DIN Mohamad Yazïd, ZACCARIA David, HANSART Juliette, BOUJDI Mohammad, THEYS Thomas, HEESE Wilfrid, PAYEN Quentin, DELOY Marianne, BORODINA Elena, ROOBROUK Cyril, LAMBERT Véronique, MASSIN KERCAN Aurélie, DEGAND Louise, CASTELEIN Ombeline, CLOQUET Valérie, WAYENBERGH Christine, FRIGANT Claudine, NOIROT Charlotte, FOLLET Anne, FOURMARIER Madeleine, FARAGUNA Benjamin, VAN OVERSTRAETEN Marcelle, HARMEGNIES Pascale, CHOUANE Jeremy, ROMBEAU Jeniffer, HANDANI Janis, SASSIN Béatrice, ANDRE Laura, CAPIDIS Dimitri, FORTON Pauline, BADART Christine, ROSAUX Emeline, TASSIGNON Amélie, BARRY Amadou, LEBRUN Stéphanie, MAES Anna-Eva, BORENSZTEJN Audrey, PIRRONITTO Concettina, MANZO Joseph, PIRO Fabrizio, YANG Vincent, BINET Françoise, SIDDIQUE Nayab, UWINEDA Dorothée, MEURICE Victor, ELOY Marie-Anne, BREBELS Simon, SOETE Dimitri, TERZIDIS Alexandra, TERZIDIS Victoria, SOUKA Jade, VAN POELVOORDE Aurélien, LATOUR Thomas, ISTACE Zoé, WILLIMES Valentine, LAVACHERY Pierre, CHOUDIN Lucie, DELLA PINA Joanne, PISTONE Domenico, ULISZEWSKA Martyna, ZAKIRI Nora, HENIN Florian, VANDENBOSCH Michel, LEBRUN Marie-Astrid, SWAAB Laura, ROSIN Arnaud, VERMEIRE Michel, DESMEDT Sarah, WILLAERT Dominique, MANRIQUE Roméo, ANGELINI Donato, GOOSSENS George, STALMANS Jimmy, BEUBLET Lola, ORBAN Guillaume, GILLISJANS Stéphane, LEPAGE Romain, BOUCHEZ Léa, CRABBE Jacqueline, CASTIGLIONE Carmelo, GENESTE Jean-François, MORENO Tina, AGRAR Azzedine, DAMEE Fabrice, VERCLEVEN Eddy, KHALILZADEHAGHDAMI Katy, ALI Rahami, THANG Lou, LECOMTE Dominique, CRESPO Kevin, WERRY Philippe, ROESS Nicholas, KISIELEWICZ Jeanne, MARTENS Nico, VAN MERRIS François, PASTEELS Thierry, DELAVA Diane, BLONDEAU Joelle, DELANNOY Josiane, RINCHARD Roman, TYTGAT Charles, DECHAMPS Noah, FISSSET Olga, NIMAL Edouard, VANEBERG Olivier, CHUMAKOVA Alena, DUCHATEAU Celine, CARLIER Philippe, DUPON Jean-François, CHAPUSETTE Olivier, MAKONGO Ester, LE MOULEC Camille, AMPHIARUS DEPREE Blanche, GERARD Colette, GODEFROID Catherine, ROUARD Dany, VERSCHELDEN Claude, RGHIOUI Issa, HARAR MIRANTES Chloé, MORDANT Veronique, HEUSCHEN Donovan, RGHIOUI Zakaria, PITON Jérémy, LOUVIAUX Brigitte, REGNIER Francky, GUERRA Luis, SEN Sedine, CEINOS Ilhem, ROY delphine, VAN GANSEN Jean-Luc, STIEVEVENARD Antoine, POUPLARD Amélie, CARDACE Alessandra, DRAIZE Alison, FAGARD SULTAN Sylvie, MARCIANO Thiago, SNANI Mehdi
Romero Maria Mercedes, Yombo Aurélie, Ntale Diane, LO Mbamba Joyce, Morales Laura, Corman Margot, Micheau Lucie, Masci Laura ,Vanderseypen, Emilie, Bianchin Fanny, Alorabou Aïcha, Kikangala Vanessa, Binsinger Jessica, Canu Clothilde, Koronidis Gaëlle, Lufwa Elya, MOLITOR Noëlle, Thelliez Delphine, Gabon Rafaelle, Hardy Roxane, Vanderroost Léa, VEREECKE Naomi, MOKRANE Sandra, Tatard Géraldine
Muangala Noémie, Bruand Marie, Rogez Cynthia, Betancourt Angelita, KULCZAR Eleni, Krassowska Victoria, Scaduto Angela, Liénard Virginie, Sourdeau Léane, Bykans Inès, De Stefano Lisa, Perrier Lilou, Lamberts Emmanuelle, Manuka Luana, Dumbi Inès, Henry Natasha
Gondon Laurence, Meurisse Michèle, Jacques Tamara, Van Acker Madison, Boucau Alice, Lacroix Nastassia, Peeters Fara, Sablon Floriane, Boyer Camille, Sagaer Maëlle, Imbrechts Anais, Geraci Alissia, Tarillon Agathe, Vanhaudenhuyse Alinoë, Vanhaudenhuyse Alisson, Lombard Anais, Pierard Aurore, Terechkova Evgenia, Van Drenth Finn, Rakotobe Kaliana, De Poorter Lisa, Podevin Ludivine, Deroanne Romane, Burion Zita, Dupont Aude, Desguin Micheline, Baudoux Saléna, Gilbert Léa, Cote Caparos Cindy, Giaux Louise
Segura Anthony, Nouali Yassin, Delannoy Nicolas, Henrion Maximilien, Cocquerez Florent, Nocera Rino, AVERLANT Angélo, Lunguana Michée, Bitihuse Constant, De Boeck Max, Zola Aurel, Castellino Flavio, Arts Mathéo, Mahut Timothée, Paquay Ugo, LASSEUR Léo, Léo Gabriel, CHARTON Alexandre, Pernel Hugo, Amar Nabil, Monlouis Bonnaire Nicolas, Leroy Nicolas Trung-Chanh, D’Haeyere Amaury, Rochdi Rayan, Bombil Geraudy, Loka Hervé, Van Noten Jens, Brieuc Le-Gall, Pilette Kévin, Gabriel Léo, George Louis, Cigana Marino, Chiodo Mathias, Baddague Nassim, Fernandez Rubio Noah, Marsalla Anthony, Junbox Ibrahim, Salamona Joshua, Felipe Garcia, Swagga Zach, Chaurra Kevin, MHAMDU RAOUF, Pires Rocha Rand
Fouda Fiona, Kiersnowski Konrad, Cayrade Léna, Moreels Olivia, Van Iersel Salome, Jomin-Bonneaux Chloe, Durand Ines, Vercleven Camille, Revillon Allan, Gagliardi Louise, Derycker Laura, Delgado Mallaury, Negreuvergne Sacha, Ntumba Kanyinda Adam Timon, Heliot Maxime, Androulakis Antoni, Hessabi Cameron, Takeshi Yasuke, Mukadi Anaid, Karim Zakaria, El Basri Soufiane, Janmart Jim, Vandenberk Joachim, Vanden Steen Dario, Susswein Jerome-Charles, Denis Bryan, Backes Mathis, Machielsel Pierre, Delassiaz Orion, Borlee Loris, Zounguere Alexis, Defrise Nicolas, Tordeur Angelo, Romeo Valentino, Lharar Samad, Kamweny Tony, Eliassaint Dieph-Standle, Toquaoka Kenzo, Klos Patryk, Vergauwne Elisabeth, Nshimi Dio
Taverne Cloe, Nana Ningkeu Sheila, Canonne Kiona, Salsac Timothee, Simon Julie, Boulanger Leo, Diallo Oumar, Ngoma Jason, Pascal Mathieu, Belabid Ismael, Mendy Steve, Fumery Louis, Foresto Andréa, Muth Francis, Moxhet Alexandre, Lissandre Margaux, Henrion Benjamin, Levavasseur Pierre, Sion C Benjamin, Espinoza Yamir, La delfa David, Fountas Paul-euthymios, Takam Regis, Dullier Nathan, Deijmann Alex, Tasia Serges, Colmant Baptiste, Lemaitre Sebastien, Mawanda Archange, Dion Maoro, Gaillet Regis, Hoebeke Alois, Hawna Adeola, De Rudder Andy, Conte Baptist
Bolima Honesime, Dzessu Dlngule Rita, Hoekstra Elisa, Vandevelde Zoé, Degraeuwe Chloé, Ghilain Mélanie, Afchain Sarah, Foresto Kiara, Lespagne Morgan, Arnaud-Luspe Franck, Paul Pierre-Alexandre, Lacorne Guillaume, Haddad Adel, Cauvin Teddy, Van Twembeke Virginie, Melis Sophie, Vu Thanh Long, Contreras Castillo Yoandy, Bourguignon Jeremie, Dufrane Candice, Leiva Luis, Jean Collins shane, Touil Florent, Louis Maxime, Anceline Wilmart, Degrauwe Alexia, Pielquin Charline, Albert Frederic, Reiter Stephane
El Kirat Khalid, Duhem Henri, Binder Louis, Guessous Sami, Malonda Maxime, Deom Aurelien, Zaoudi Abdoulah, Balistaire François, Dehau Pierre-Jean, Abed Tarek, Dubois Justin, Laffut Saskia, Lagache Sébastien, Marcelon Nicolas, Abudi Mohammed, Pantazopoulos Gerorges, Linati Giansteve, Sancka Serkan, Fontaine Cédric, Rafact Aurélie, Jennepin Antoine, Debedus Juliette
Geng Paul, Guy a ux Eng, Grabarz Josiane, Vandamme Marcel, Yildirim Usain, Ba y on José, Hallet Johann, El Ualid Khalid, Sangermano Angélique, Mutamba David, Bui Ly nda, Boutique Fabrice, Josnin Laure, Douglas Leslie Mark, Hofmans Michèle, Enna Siham.
America Thierry, America Emmanuel, Bals Nado, Bronier Isabelle, Caron Delphine, Coudon Xavier, Dassonville Célian, Dassonville Cyril, Daumière Lindsay, Delcubonde Nicolas, Denis Karel, Deret Doriane, Hemeleers Vivian, Jorion Olivier, Meurant Guillaume, Pilatte Noemie, Pilatte Dany, Pilatte Margaux, Sorian Benedicte, Soufflet Aurélie, Thoor Olivia, Thoor Alicia, Toubau Aglae, Verbolst Mathieu, Gerard Emilie, Theys Emilien, Fourin Pascal, Haneuse Patrick, Henroye Luna, De Waele Laura, Beauchamps Angelina, Coppieters Audrey, Jorion Benedicte, Bolle Stéphanie, Bronier Andy, Brotcorne Anna, Masure Clara, Decruyenaere Clementine, Dendal Lucas, Karel Denis, Dusquense Alain, Dusquense Lucas, Gerard Lise, Mado Baes, Coessens Marie-Claire, Landa Marie-Line, Tonero Marion, Marsigliante Isaline, Moucheron Chloé, Lizon Pauline, Scur Valentine.
Micheli David, Collard Heloise, Mauyen Brice, Grevesse Olivie, Legrand Elodie, Brasseur Pierre-Manuel, Duquesnoy Michel, Vercammen Yvan, Jeuniaux René, Parmentier John-John, Elguennouni Réda, Robyn Frédéric, Maas Jérôme, Vandervoordt Pierre-Yves, Smets Dylan, Vandevelde-Vanisierbecq Michael, Chaidron Michael
BUI Hoan-Phung, SMORODINSKY Clara, PARISIS Marie-Line, SCIME Marcella, HONDT Guy, KOMINO Alissa, SITA BANTSIMBA Thalya, ANANIAS Nathanaël, KOPF Prisca, GHANEM Anissa, TUMMERS Maureen, ROUFOSSE Bernard, PROSPERGER TOMIYA, MARAMUKE YOHANA Audrey, VELLE Dominique, SMORODINSKY Adrien, DE BLIC Cécile, FOSSE Julie, LADENT Loïs, DE CARTIER D’YVES Louise, GOOSSENS Eléonore, SARACI Heroina, ETIENNE Angèle, DRAYE Michèle, PETKOVIC Lepa, SEMAL Claudine, HAYEZ Raphael, HAYEZ Amelie, PEPKA YANNICK CLAUDE Eric, DEVEUSTER Philippe, BAJRAKTARI Skender, NGUYEN Pham Quynh Lan Emilie, DUFRAN Anthony, VAN CROMPHAUT Jérémy, MVOGO Serge Christian, LEBRUN GOB Marie-Christine, BEAUCAMPS Justine, ROGGE Nathan, KOUAME KOUAME Donald, PUCH SANTILLAN Pamela, NAVEZ Luc, BAMBA Mohamed,
DUNDAR Koç, LEJCZYK Lisa, MEZIATI Saïd, FERRET Olivier, MECHOUEK Katya, MARESCHAL Lyson, HENRY Clémence, SALIEZ Zoé, VAN IERSEL MATINE EL DIN Mohamad Yazïd, ZACCARIA David, HANSART Juliette, BOUJDI Mohammad, THEYS Thomas, HEESE Wilfrid, PAYEN Quentin, DELOY Marianne, BORODINA Elena, ROOBROUK Cyril, LAMBERT Véronique, MASSIN KERCAN Aurélie, DEGAND Louise, CASTELEIN Ombeline, CLOQUET Valérie, WAYENBERGH Christine, FRIGANT Claudine, NOIROT Charlotte, FOLLET Anne, FOURMARIER Madeleine, FARAGUNA Benjamin, VAN OVERSTRAETEN Marcelle, HARMEGNIES Pascale, CHOUANE Jeremy, ROMBEAU Jeniffer, HANDANI Janis, SASSIN Béatrice, ANDRE Laura, CAPIDIS Dimitri, FORTON Pauline, BADART Christine, ROSAUX Emeline, TASSIGNON Amélie, BARRY Amadou, LEBRUN Stéphanie, MAES Anna-Eva, BORENSZTEJN Audrey, PIRRONITTO Concettina, MANZO Joseph, PIRO Fabrizio, YANG Vincent, BINET Françoise, SIDDIQUE Nayab, UWINEDA Dorothée, MEURICE Victor, ELOY Marie-Anne, BREBELS Simon, SOETE Dimitri, TERZIDIS Alexandra, TERZIDIS Victoria, SOUKA Jade, VAN POELVOORDE Aurélien, LATOUR Thomas, ISTACE Zoé, WILLIMES Valentine, LAVACHERY Pierre, CHOUDIN Lucie, DELLA PINA Joanne, PISTONE Domenico, ULISZEWSKA Martyna, ZAKIRI Nora, HENIN Florian, VANDENBOSCH Michel, LEBRUN Marie-Astrid, SWAAB Laura, ROSIN Arnaud, VERMEIRE Michel, DESMEDT Sarah, WILLAERT Dominique, MANRIQUE Roméo, ANGELINI Donato, GOOSSENS George, STALMANS Jimmy, BEUBLET Lola, ORBAN Guillaume, GILLISJANS Stéphane, LEPAGE Romain, BOUCHEZ Léa, CRABBE Jacqueline, CASTIGLIONE Carmelo, GENESTE Jean-François, MORENO Tina, AGRAR Azzedine, DAMEE Fabrice, VERCLEVEN Eddy, KHALILZADEHAGHDAMI Katy, ALI Rahami, THANG Lou, LECOMTE Dominique, CRESPO Kevin, WERRY Philippe, ROESS Nicholas, KISIELEWICZ Jeanne, MARTENS Nico, VAN MERRIS François, PASTEELS Thierry, DELAVA Diane, BLONDEAU Joelle, DELANNOY Josiane, RINCHARD Roman, TYTGAT Charles, DECHAMPS Noah, FISSSET Olga, NIMAL Edouard, VANEBERG Olivier, CHUMAKOVA Alena, DUCHATEAU Celine, CARLIER Philippe, DUPON Jean-François, CHAPUSETTE Olivier, MAKONGO Ester, LE MOULEC Camille, AMPHIARUS DEPREE Blanche, GERARD Colette, GODEFROID Catherine, ROUARD Dany, VERSCHELDEN Claude, RGHIOUI Issa, HARAR MIRANTES Chloé, MORDANT Veronique, HEUSCHEN Donovan, RGHIOUI Zakaria, PITON Jérémy, LOUVIAUX Brigitte, REGNIER Francky, GUERRA Luis, SEN Sedine, CEINOS Ilhem, ROY delphine, VAN GANSEN Jean-Luc, STIEVEVENARD Antoine, POUPLARD Amélie, CARDACE Alessandra, DRAIZE Alison, FAGARD SULTAN Sylvie, MARCIANO Thiago, SNANI Mehdi
Autoworld, Musée Royal de l’Armée et d’Histoire Militaire (www.klm-mra.be), Musée Art et Histoire, Alaeti dance school, Ville de Bruxelles, Bruxelles Environnement, Rock the city, See U, WBB- Racing, RMAMC, BMW MOTORRAD Anvers, Moamar Nardonne, Centre de maîtrise du volant
Autoworld, Musée Royal de l’Armée et d’Histoire Militaire (www.klm-mra.be), Musée Art et Histoire, Alaeti dance school, Ville de Bruxelles, Bruxelles Environnement, Rock the city, See U, WBB- Racing, RMAMC, BMW MOTORRAD Anvers, Moamar Nardonne, Centre de maîtrise du volant
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We are a polyphony of talentsNous sommes une polyphonie de talents
We are a polyphony of talentsNous sommes une polyphonie de talents
Informations & teamInformations & équipe

Mosaert is a multi-disciplinary creative house, composing & orchestrating singular creations that uncover unexpected experiences. Over the past 15 years, we have pushed boundaries with made-to- measure experiences in the fields of music, fashion, and audiovisuals. Our approach is rooted in collaboration, where we listen closely to our partners while introducing fresh ideas that elevate their vision.

Whether it’s art direction, collaborations, commissioned projects or full- scale productions, our collective of talents is focused on transforming emotions into surprising, one-of-a-kind creations.


Mosaert is a multi-disciplinary creative house, composing & orchestrating singular creations that uncover unexpected experiences. Over the past 15 years, we have pushed boundaries with made-to- measure experiences in the fields of music, fashion, and audiovisuals. Our approach is rooted in collaboration, where we listen closely to our partners while introducing fresh ideas that elevate their vision.

Whether it’s art direction, collaborations, commissioned projects or full- scale productions, our collective of talents is focused on transforming emotions into surprising, one-of-a-kind creations.


CEO & creative director
Paul Van Haver
Executive & creative director
Luc Van Haver
Fashion designer & creative director
Coralie Barbier
Communication & project manager
Gaëlle Birenbaum
Office manager
Diego Mitrugno
CEO & creative director
Paul Van Haver
Executive & creative director
Luc Van Haver
Fashion designer & creative director
Coralie Barbier
Communication & project manager
Gaëlle Birenbaum
Office manager
Diego Mitrugno