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Multitude le film
Fils de joie
L’enfer – TF1
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Alors on danse

A Talisman Against the Darkest Thoughts

Un talisman contre les tourments de l’esprit

Is it a lament or a declaration of war? A stripped-down piano-vocal or a hymn pulsating with effects? A song to reflect on, to smile at, to rage against, or to belt out at the top of your lungs? L’enfer is all these things at once. Stromae takes us on an emotional rollercoaster, skillfully navigating a spectrum of emotions with unapologetic honesty.

Est-ce une complainte ou une déclaration de guerre ? Un piano-voix épuré ou un hymne pulsant d’effets ? Une chanson à méditer, à sourire, à crier ou à hurler à pleins poumons ? L’Enfer est tout cela à la fois. Stromae nous embarque dans des montagnes russes émotionnelles, naviguant habilement à travers un spectre d’émotions avec une honnêteté sans détour.

  • The projectLe projet
  • InsightsPerspectives

The second single from Multitude, L’enfer is an intricate portrait of depression—a haunting spiral woven into every note. From everyday boredom to the darkest forms of escapism, Stromae lays bare the complexity of mental struggle with raw honesty. In just a few bars, he takes us to the edge, guiding us through the uncomfortable yet relatable shades of sadness. Strokes of dark humor reinforce the raw emotion, while striking strings and percussion—sharp, jolting, and unapologetic—punctuate the choruses. A crescendo of Bulgarian voices, drenched in reverb, adds a mournful layer to the song. And when the vengeful synths surge forward, it’s impossible not to join in the fight—L’enfer becomes a talisman, a battle cry against the darkest of thoughts.

Deuxième single de Multitude, L’Enfer dresse un portrait complexe de la dépression — une spirale obsédante tissée dans chaque note. De l’ennui quotidien aux formes les plus sombres d’évasion, Stromae dévoile la complexité des luttes mentales avec une sincérité brute. Quelques mesures suffisent à nous conduire au bord du précipice, nous faisant traverser les nuances inconfortables mais familières de la tristesse. Des touches d’humour noir renforcent l’émotion brute, tandis que des cordes et des percussions percutantes — tranchantes, choquantes et implacables — ponctuent les refrains. Un crescendo de voix bulgares, chargées de réverbération, ajoute une couche de mélancolie au morceau. Et lorsque les synthétiseurs vengeurs surgissent, il est impossible de ne pas rejoindre le combat — L’Enfer devient un talisman, un cri de guerre contre les pensées les plus sombres.

In the accompanying video, co-directed by Julien Soulier, Coralie Barbier, Luc Van Haver, and Paul Van Haver, the experience of L’enfer is made visceral. The clip opens with a close-up of Stromae’s eye, an intimate portal into the soul. As the camera pulls back, we find him alone in a vast, minimalist setting—sober, yet ominously charged. This continuous zoom-out is punctuated by the singer’s dark thoughts consuming him gradually. The final return to his eye reinforces the cyclical nature of depression, a visual metaphor that leaves us caught in its grasp, just as the song does.

Dans le clip qui accompagne la chanson, co-réalisé par Julien Soulier, Coralie Barbier, Luc Van Haver et Paul Van Haver, l’expérience de L’Enfer prend une dimension viscérale. Le clip s’ouvre sur un gros plan de l’œil de Stromae, une porte intime vers l’âme. En s’éloignant progressivement, la caméra révèle l’artiste seul dans un vaste décor minimaliste — sobre, mais chargé d’une tension omniprésente. Ce zoom continu est ponctué par les pensées sombres qui l’assaillent peu à peu. Le retour final à son œil illustre la nature cyclique de la dépression, une métaphore visuelle qui nous laisse prisonniers de son emprise, tout comme la chanson.

© Lydie Bonhomme
© Lydie Bonhomme
© Lydie Bonhomme
© Lydie Bonhomme
© Lydie Bonhomme
© Lydie Bonhomme
© Lydie Bonhomme
© Lydie Bonhomme

A testament to Stromae’s ingenious and profound skills as a producer, musician and a lyricist, L’enfer is more than just a song—it invites us to confront the darkness, to feel it fully, and ultimately, to fight back.

Témoignage du talent ingénieux et profond de Stromae en tant que producteur, musicien et parolier, L’Enfer est bien plus qu’une chanson — c’est une invitation à affronter l’obscurité, à la ressentir pleinement et, finalement, à la combattre.

  • CreditsCrédits
Paul Van Haver – Co-Director
Luc Van Haver – Co-Director
Coralie Barbier – Co-Director
Julien Soulier – Co-Director
Auguste Bas – Producer
Lou Bardou-Jacquet – Production Coordinator
Giuseppe Conti – Producer BE
Gaëlle Birenbaum – Communication & Project Manager
Evence Guinet-Dannonay – Executive Assistant
Gaëlle Cools – Content & Community Manager
Roxane Hauzeur – Textile Product Manager
Diego Mitrugno – Office Manager
Félix Lambot – Line Producer BE
Mathieu Perez – 1st AD
Benoît Debie – DOP
Letizia Giorgi – 1st Camera Assistant
Cyprien Rigaud – 2nd Camera Assistant
Glauke Vankeirshilck – Camera Trainee
Bao Debie – Camera Trainee
Simon Moirot – DIT
Emilie Sornasse – Qtake Operator
Xavier Servais – Key Grip
Nicolas Baquet – Grip
Lucas Gonzalez – Grip
Nathan Meynsbrughen – Grip
Marco Viera – Grip
Jérémy Tondeur – Grip
Arnaud Hock – Gaffer
Kilian Delcorte – Consolist
Thibault Doens – Electrician
Michael Stolz – Electrician
Abdel Mousshin – Electrician
Alicia Dubois – MUA
Thomas Ruelle – Location manager
Mustapha Amzir – Craft
Justine Debekker – Painter
Thibault Flament – Painter
KGS – Grip
Grip on Moving – Grip
TSF – Light
Lites – Camera
Flo catering – Catering
Studio Monev – Permissions
David Le Bozec – Storyboarder
Laurent Ferrante – Storyboarder
Gaëlle Champion – Artistic Direction
Abyssal – Executive Production Belgium
Royal – Post Post Production
Jonathan Trebois – Post Production Manager
Cindy Durand Paucsik – Post Production
Vincent Amor – Grader
Julien Laudicina – Set Supervisor & graphic designer
Alicia Boinot – 2D graphic designer
Quentin Mesureux – 2D graphic designer
Robin Deriaud – 2D graphic designer
Ronan Dusmenil – 2D graphic designer
Terence Nury – Editor assistant
Hadrian Kalmbach – Grading Assistant
Paul Van Haver – Co-Director
Luc Van Haver – Co-Director
Coralie Barbier – Co-Director
Julien Soulier – Co-Director
Auguste Bas – Producer
Lou Bardou-Jacquet – Production Coordinator
Giuseppe Conti – Producer BE
Gaëlle Birenbaum – Communication & Project Manager
Evence Guinet-Dannonay – Executive Assistant
Gaëlle Cools – Content & Community Manager
Roxane Hauzeur – Textile Product Manager
Diego Mitrugno – Office Manager
Félix Lambot – Line Producer BE
Mathieu Perez – 1st AD
Benoît Debie – DOP
Letizia Giorgi – 1st Camera Assistant
Cyprien Rigaud – 2nd Camera Assistant
Glauke Vankeirshilck – Camera Trainee
Bao Debie – Camera Trainee
Simon Moirot – DIT
Emilie Sornasse – Qtake Operator
Xavier Servais – Key Grip
Nicolas Baquet – Grip
Lucas Gonzalez – Grip
Nathan Meynsbrughen – Grip
Marco Viera – Grip
Jérémy Tondeur – Grip
Arnaud Hock – Gaffer
Kilian Delcorte – Consolist
Thibault Doens – Electrician
Michael Stolz – Electrician
Abdel Mousshin – Electrician
Alicia Dubois – MUA
Thomas Ruelle – Location manager
Mustapha Amzir – Craft
Justine Debekker – Painter
Thibault Flament – Painter
KGS – Grip
Grip on Moving – Grip
TSF – Light
Lites – Camera
Flo catering – Catering
Studio Monev – Permissions
David Le Bozec – Storyboarder
Laurent Ferrante – Storyboarder
Gaëlle Champion – Artistic Direction
Abyssal – Executive Production Belgium
Royal – Post Post Production
Jonathan Trebois – Post Production Manager
Cindy Durand Paucsik – Post Production
Vincent Amor – Grader
Julien Laudicina – Set Supervisor & graphic designer
Alicia Boinot – 2D graphic designer
Quentin Mesureux – 2D graphic designer
Robin Deriaud – 2D graphic designer
Ronan Dusmenil – 2D graphic designer
Terence Nury – Editor assistant
Hadrian Kalmbach – Grading Assistant
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Billie Eilish
Le Bon Marché
Dua Lipa
Paris 2024
We are a polyphony of talentsNous sommes une polyphonie de talents
We are a polyphony of talentsNous sommes une polyphonie de talents
  • Who are we Who are we
  • Team Team
  • Methodology Methodology
CEO & creative director
Paul Van Haver
Executive & creative director
Luc Van Haver
Fashion designer & creative director
Coralie Barbier
Communication & project manager
Gaëlle Birenbaum
Office manager
Diego Mitrugno
CEO & creative director
Paul Van Haver
Executive & creative director
Luc Van Haver
Fashion designer & creative director
Coralie Barbier
Communication & project manager
Gaëlle Birenbaum
Office manager
Diego Mitrugno

Mosaert is a multi-disciplinary creative house, composing & orchestrating singular creations that uncover unexpected experiences. Over the past 15 years, we have pushed boundaries with made-to- measure experiences in the fields of music, fashion, and audiovisuals. Our approach is rooted in collaboration, where we listen closely to our partners while introducing fresh ideas that elevate their vision.

Whether it’s art direction, collaborations, commissioned projects or full- scale productions, our collective of talents is focused on transforming emotions into surprising, one-of-a-kind creations.

Mosaert is a multi-disciplinary creative house, composing & orchestrating singular creations that uncover unexpected experiences. Over the past 15 years, we have pushed boundaries with made-to- measure experiences in the fields of music, fashion, and audiovisuals. Our approach is rooted in collaboration, where we listen closely to our partners while introducing fresh ideas that elevate their vision.

Whether it’s art direction, collaborations, commissioned projects or full- scale productions, our collective of talents is focused on transforming emotions into surprising, one-of-a-kind creations.

Since 2009, Mosaert has been composing and orchestrating its own creative symphony—one that transcends disciplines and reinvents the unexpected. Founded by Paul Van Haver, better known as Stromae, alongside his brother and Executive & Creative Director Luc Van Haver, Mosaert was born out of a desire for artistic independence. From day one, the collective has overseen every facet of Stromae’s creative universe—from music production to visuals, stage design to costumes—ensuring a singular, uncompromising vision.

In 2012, the arrival of Coralie Barbier marked a turning point. Initially joining as a stylist for Stromae’s second album, Racine carrée, Coralie’s role quickly expanded into artistic direction. With this evolution, Mosaert flourished into a multidisciplinary creative house, seamlessly blending music, fashion, and audiovisual storytelling. Fashion became a natural extension of our ethos in 2014 with the launch of our first capsule collection—unisex, consciously produced in Europe, and defying industry-imposed rhythms. Year after year, we continue to refine our approach, integrating recycled and organic materials, crafting pieces that stand the test of time.

Beyond our own projects, we collaborate with iconic brands like MINI, Repetto, and Le Bon Marché, as well as artists who inspire us—Dua Lipa, Billie Eilish, Orelsan, Yael Naïm, and more.

Since 2009, Mosaert has been composing and orchestrating its own creative symphony—one that transcends disciplines and reinvents the unexpected. Founded by Paul Van Haver, better known as Stromae, alongside his brother and Executive & Creative Director Luc Van Haver, Mosaert was born out of a desire for artistic independence. From day one, the collective has overseen every facet of Stromae’s creative universe—from music production to visuals, stage design to costumes—ensuring a singular, uncompromising vision.

In 2012, the arrival of Coralie Barbier marked a turning point. Initially joining as a stylist for Stromae’s second album, Racine carrée, Coralie’s role quickly expanded into artistic direction. With this evolution, Mosaert flourished into a multidisciplinary creative house, seamlessly blending music, fashion, and audiovisual storytelling. Fashion became a natural extension of our ethos in 2014 with the launch of our first capsule collection—unisex, consciously produced in Europe, and defying industry-imposed rhythms. Year after year, we continue to refine our approach, integrating recycled and organic materials, crafting pieces that stand the test of time.

Beyond our own projects, we collaborate with iconic brands like MINI, Repetto, and Le Bon Marché, as well as artists who inspire us—Dua Lipa, Billie Eilish, Orelsan, Yael Naïm, and more.

At Mosaert, ideas don’t take shape in isolation; they are built collectively, refined through discussion, and elevated by our pursuit of excellence. Our approach is guided by three core principles: to bring uniqueness, coherence, and meaning to everything we do. Whether producing a music video, designing a fashion collection, or shaping an entire artistic direction, we ensure that every detail serves a purpose. What drives us is emotion—capturing it, amplifying it and translating it into experiences that resonate.

Every frame, note, and stitch is meticulously considered to capture people’s emotion and reach the widest audience possible. Creativity should be felt, understood, and shared. That’s why we seek to create work that is both singular and universal—pushing boundaries while remaining accessible.

Multidisciplinarity is at the core of who we are. Music production, video production, fashion, concert and catwalk set design, product design, artistic direction, communication—each project is a fusion of these skills, tailored to the needs of our collaborators. Some entrust us with the full creative vision, while others seek our expertise on a specific element. We adapt, we listen, we co-create.

Each project is a new composition, a dialogue between disciplines, always guided by the same philosophy: to manifest emotion through singularity.

At Mosaert, ideas don’t take shape in isolation; they are built collectively, refined through discussion, and elevated by our pursuit of excellence. Our approach is guided by three core principles: to bring uniqueness, coherence, and meaning to everything we do. Whether producing a music video, designing a fashion collection, or shaping an entire artistic direction, we ensure that every detail serves a purpose. What drives us is emotion—capturing it, amplifying it and translating it into experiences that resonate.

Every frame, note, and stitch is meticulously considered to capture people’s emotion and reach the widest audience possible. Creativity should be felt, understood, and shared. That’s why we seek to create work that is both singular and universal—pushing boundaries while remaining accessible.

Multidisciplinarity is at the core of who we are. Music production, video production, fashion, concert and catwalk set design, product design, artistic direction, communication—each project is a fusion of these skills, tailored to the needs of our collaborators. Some entrust us with the full creative vision, while others seek our expertise on a specific element. We adapt, we listen, we co-create.

Each project is a new composition, a dialogue between disciplines, always guided by the same philosophy: to manifest emotion through singularity.